
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

10th month experience

Being a mother less than a year, life has taught me to accept that I have so much more to learn. 
From birth, one has never stopped learning. Education gave me a thought that by the time a level of curriculums is over, I could relax. Of course, I should never relax from learning. 
Learn to study, learn to face exams, learn to enjoy life, reward myself, recharge for next new thing. I was lagging in latter part. For 25 years, never had a thought that taking a break to looking around is nothing of slacking. 
Human is not rocket, not meant to shoot all the way straight to the target without looking back or around the environment. We need to take time to verify the target, or to update the target if necessary. Sometimes, the target also can change itself and we could only accept what we have. 
Still learning to face everyday challenges. Learning to keep track of long term goals. Learning to appreciate milestones. Learning to be aware of any debris on the way. Learning to live a life and nurture another life. Learning to love. 
I wish to be able to love much more in the future than I could today. 
Yes, I could ask for more.

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